Over the last month I dove into Apple’s Application Development Platform, which provides a unified set of APIs for developing software for MacOS, iOS, WatchOS, tvOS, etc.
As a Web Standards Engineer who spends most of his time thinking about and working on the Web Platform, it is rare that I would get such an opportunity to see how things work elsewhere… and let me tell you, it’s been quite a treat and really eye opening.
Note: in this post, I’m just glossing over what I learnt over the last month for my own benefit and to gather my thoughts. I intend to do a followup in which I’ll pivot back to how all this relates back to the Web Platform.
iOS Development bootcamp
My learning took place via Udemy’s “iOS 13 & Swift 5 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp“, which is taught by a phenomenal application developer called Dr. Angela Yu. If you are interested in taking a similar journey, I highly recommend her course. But note that it takes about 3-4 weeks full time to complete, and only scratches the surface of what’s possible on Apple’s platform.
As the name suggests, this bootcamp was iOS centric. However, I got to build around iOS 20+ different iOS/MacOS applications (see the full PDF of course syllabus). As of MacOS 10.15, it’s possible to compile and design iOS apps a MacOS apps and they just work out of the box. So by just checking a checkbox, it was possible to run all the apps directly on my Mac.
Nevertheless, it was also cool to just hook up my iPad and iPhone and with one click have my apps running on the phone. And to be honest, it was often easier than getting things set up to run in a web browser.
It’s a beast of an IDE.
The course covered most of the basics and getting around. Xcode has GitHub integration, as well as standard git support built-into its UI. However, it’s nowhere near as good a code editor as VSCode so I often found myself having to jump into VSCode to do things.
Working with Xcode’s WYSIWYG application layout tool was an interesting development approach. From my web experience, I thought it would have sucked because it reminded me of something old school like DreamWeaver. But it was actually quite ok.
The backing representation of xCode’s “storyboards” are a XMLs document… which is some twisted way, it’s like HTML although you never really interact with this document directly. These XML “storyboard” documents then link to code, via “IB” (interface builder) outlets and actions. These are similar to event handlers or just using global variables on a web page. For example, “@IBAction func addButtonPressed(){}” would handle a button press.

People who known me know that I’m a huge Swift fan. It’s without doubt my second favorite language after JavaScript – and gained even more respect for it throughout this course. Although the course didn’t cover every aspect of Swift (e.g., it didn’t go into the super powerful enums of Swift), it covered enough to be able to use all the APIs that were covered in the course.
Things I really like about Swift:
- protocols and extensions in general
- Data types
- Easily insert variables “like by \(doing) this”… (yeah, I’m looking at you, Rust).
- explicit argument names and aliased arg names. This makes for super nice, legible code.
- immutable structs + passed by value
- “let” and “var” only
- enums and their shorthands.
- switch/case behavior
- Optional clousure declaration on final arguments
- The do {} catch blocks, with explicit `try` declarations on functions calls. That way, one can explicitly see when a function will throw in code.
- Automatic variable name generation for things, like “error” inside a catch block.
Things that Swift desperately needs or don’t particularly enjoy:
- lack of async/await. The reliance on callbacks is very JavaScript around 7 years ago.
- Building `if let x` pyramids of optional types.
It’s an amazing language that feels like scripting language and makes total sense to anyone who knows JS or TypeScript. But it’s a full fledged industrial strength no-messing-around proper programming language.
UI Library
The UI component library is rich and extensibly focused on application creation. Although there are similarities to what one finds in HTML with regards to common accessible form controls (buttons, text input fields, etc.), the platform provides a significantly richer set UI elements. It also provides means of extending all the provided components. This is similar to “Web Components” in a sense.

Extremely good for creating application UIs, but the layout constraints system can be quite frustrating and I imagine takes a lot of practice to get used to. I guess it must feel the same using CSS Grid or FlexBox until you “get it”. However, I did appreciate the simplicity of just having to think about everything in terms of horizontal, vertical, and “Z” stacks when designing layouts and filling in space. That pretty much the same a CSS grid and FlexBox.

Apple’s documentation is, as expected, fairly good. However, I think unlike a lot of documentation around the Web Platform, it does assume a lot of prior knowledge and can be at times challenging to decipher. At minimum, you are assured that there is some documentation for everything, even if at times it seems that it was automatically generated.
And let me tell you… having some documentation has been nice, specially coming from other open source projects where documentation is often non-existent.
MVC and Delegate model
The “Model View Controller” (MVC) design and the “delegate” pattern feature heavily throughout Apple’s platform. A delegate is essentially an object that can handle actions generated by other object – so you “delegate” actions, like, say, providing data to a data table, to another object using a standard “protocol”.
Although I personally find the delegate model somewhat fragile (as opposed to a subscriber model), it came to appreciate its consistency throughout Apple’s platform.
Networking and JSON processing
Personally, I think if a platform makes it difficult to fetch and process JSON over HTTP, it’s dead in the water. Thankfully, Apple makes it easy to spin up a “URLSession” to fetch data. I also really like that you can’t fetch insecure HTTP resources at all: you have to use HTTPS. Processing JSON is also fairly straight forward, but Encoding/Decoding (or making structures that represent JSON “codable”) can be quite tedious.
Thankfully, they’re are libraries like SwiftyJSON that make encoding/decoding arbitrary JSON data quite easy… though obviously not as nice as working with straight up JSON in JS in a browser or node.
Swift UI was quite a treat. It again mixes layout and functionality, which can become a bit of a mess, but because of the simplicity of its layout model (HStack, VStack, ZStack), it makes it quite easy to lay out applications – and to control how items in each stack are distributed. Unlike with UI Kit, it was also nice to have direct control over everything without relying on Xcode’s WYSIWYG… but at the same time, you have to dig around to figure out where certain properties are hidden within various object structures.

The @state and @published property modifiers where super nice, and something missing from the Web. It’s nice to just be able to set a custom variable/property and be assured that the UI will be updated automatically at the right time.
(Google’s) Firebase
Although not an Apple technology, it was interesting to play around with a third-party storage and communication service for building applications. In the course, we used Firebase to make a realtime chat application.
For storage, it was interesting to see the variety of different storage options available on the platform. These ranged from using plists, saving to files, using Core Data, using Realm, which is a third party database owned by MongoDB.
Core Data felt very ol’ school, while Realm was quite nice to use. I also found the defaulting to synchronous read/write operations with the Apple solutions somewhat concerning. Real seem to handle async operation much better.
Swift package manger
Unlike NPM, I kinda liked the Swift package manager’s direct integration into Xcode. In Xcode, you can simply point to a GitHub repository, and Xcode then figures that it’s a library extension.
Unlike using Cocoapods, SPM then sets everything up for you in Xcode without needing a separate project.
In-App purchases
It nice to see how in-app purchases are set up both within an application and also via Apple’s developer portal. It was also interesting to see how in-app purchases are classified:
- Consumable – buy it, use it once (e.g., some kind of power-up).
- Non-consumable: buy, and keep it (e.g., a sword)
- Auto-renewable subscription, like a magazine subscription.
- Non-renewable subscription: like access to a back catalogue for a year.
CoreML and CreateML
This was my first exposure to machine learning, so I found it quite fascinating and I was pleasantly surprised at both how easy the API was to use, and how easy it was to train a model. For images, you literally just create folders, drop in some files, and click a button in the CreateML application:

At the same time, it was quite laughable how limited this technology is if not trained correctly (or without really understanding what it’s actually doing under the hood). And I have a fear that badly trained models will lead to really bad things happening in the world. Admittedly, I had a great time running around the house with my iPad (wrongly) identifying different plants… or identifying my cat as a “cat”.
Concluding thoughts
To say that Apple’s platform is anything but super impressive would be an understatement. Every API is filled with potential to unleash a mass of creativity, and Swift is just the right language through which to express that creativity.
Having said that, buying into Apple’s platform comes at a cost (a quite literal one!). However, I’d like to cover the tradeoffs, and how all this relates back to the web, in a followup post.
For now, it was nice to be a blank slate and just have the opportunity to explore a new terrain.