Nested inheritance in Javascript

Most examples of javascript inheritance only go one level deep (for example, Student inherits (→) from Person). That’s all well and good, but what if you have a long chain for things you want to inherit from?

Say we have A → B → C → D → E, and each has its own methods and attributes. How can they inherit from each other cleanly?

Here is the initial solution:

So, what’s special about the above. Not much… except the the only gotcha is the ordering of:

//you need to make sure you don't override your functions
X.prototype = new Y(); = function(){ .... };

//Bad (trashes foo!) = function(){ .... };
X.prototype = new Y();

Adding methods and properties

Once we have a chain, we naturally want to make objects created from that chain do something useful. The above A, B, C, etc. is a little academic, so lets now use a more “real world” example.

Lets say we have the following inheritance chain of vehicle types:

Vehicle → LandVehicle → Car → SportsCar → RacingCar

We assume that all Vehicles have a “registration” property that is unique for each vehicle we create:

The problem when we run the above is that the registration is not unique! When we are constructing the new RacingCar(), we are using the same prototype for all instances (in fact for any kind of Vehicle).

To solve this problem, we need to make sure that for “this” instance we are given a unique “registration”. To do that, we need to “call()” the function from which we are inheriting from using “this“, like so:

function RacingCar(){}

So, that makes sure that “this” (whatever that is associated with) gets the right “registration” number (i.e., a random number):

Ok, so far so good… but if we start adding methods and unique properties on each level, we are going to have the same problem. So what we can do is just cascade “this” through the inheritance chain:

function LandVehicle(){}
function Car(){}
function SportsCar(){}
function RacingCar(){}

Now we can start individualising each object to our needs. The following shows a complete set of custom objects that inherit from each other. It also shows “static” functions and property being declared (e.g., the make of a Car and getting a randomMake() for either a bike or car):

So there you have it. Classical inheritance JavaScript styles.

Dynamic function names in JavaScript

Creating a function with a custom name is not something you can do easily out of the box in ECMAScript. Thankfully, ECMAScript comes with a custom function constructor.

First, the basic code, which will give most of you want you want:

The above will create an anonymous function, which when called creates the named function (using the name variable). This functionality is a good substitute for when you can’t use eval() but you need a function with a custom name. Eval is generally useless in ES5 strict mode for a number of good reasons, so its best avoided.

However, an issue with the code above is that we had to write the main code into a string. This sucks because it makes it difficult to debug (i.e., we can’t easily set break points), so we want to avoid that as much as possible. The solution is to make the main function external, pass it as an argument to the Function constructor to call it.

Another advantage here is that we can set private variables inside our custom function, which can then be mixed with public arguments. Check this out!:

You can basically the start doing cool things from there, like:

The above is mega useful for dynamically implementing custom DOM-like interfaces… like shims. Enjoy! 🙂

W3C Workshop on The Future of Off-line Web Applications

The W3C and Vodafone are hosting a Workshop on The Future of Off-line Web Applications on 5 November 2011, in Redwood City, California. According to the workshop website,

The goal of this workshop is to identify a clear path forward for innovation in the Open Web Platform related to offline Web application invocation and use.

As I’ve done for previous events, I’ve prepared a paper entitled “Misconceptions about W3C Widgets” (PDF, I know… I’ll publish it here in HTMLs when I get some time).

As I am on the program committee, it means I get to review papers. I’ve actually read all the papers that have come in thus far, and it looks like it’s going to be fun workshop. The other program committee members have been a bit slack, however. I’ve only seem papers from about 2 or 3 of them. I hope Microsoft, Google, and Mozilla submit something.

What usually happens after these workshops is that a new Working Group is established. This will probably either mean:

    • The death of W3C Widgets: Google and Moz will make a powerplay and dump in their own JSON based widget format on the w3c (Moz’s offer, Google’s offer).
    • Or,  the rebirth of W3C Widgets: Google and Moz will come to their senses and finally embrace the W3C widget format (unlikely, but here’s to hoping:)).