Unistalled Windows Vista!

If you are thinking of installing Vista, don’t! It is easily the biggest waste of time and money ever. Their campaign should really focus on the “Wow! now that’s total crap” factor. Easily the most counter productivepiece of software I have ever used. After using it for 6 months I swear I was about to throw my laptop against the wall. I don’t usually experience frustration with software, but Windows Vista just goes too far. It’s slow, even with all the glitz turned off, and nothing works properly: could not print as the spooler service would constantly crash on start-up, explorer.exe constantly crashed, slow, slow, system freezes, more slowness, would not come back from sleep mode, argh I get angry just thinking about it!!!

I instead reverted back to WindowsXP (which we have now dubbed “the workhorse”). Out of frustration I also installed Ubuntu, hoping to free myself from Microsoft… alas, Linux still has a few years to go. The world is rosey again 🙂

April wrap up…

Anne Van Kesteren and Marcos CaceresApril was a pretty crazy month. I held a WAF Working Group meeting at QUT, left the HTML Working Group, and then took a week off to walk the Overland Track in Tasmania (flickr photos!).

The working group meeting went well despite the fairly average attendance: we only had six members attend. I had hoped that at least 10 people would show up. On the upside, I finally got to meet Cameron McCormack and Lachlan Hunt (two new Australian recruits to the WAF Working Group) and we got lots of stuff done. The other people who attended included Art Barstow (Nokia, the Working Group chair), Guido Grassel (Nokia), and the always entertaining Anne van Kesteren (see picture, on the left). The minutes of the meeting are publically available at the w3c.


The meeting centered around our current work:

And Anne van Kesteren gave a presentation to QUT staff and students about the future of HTML… HTML5. Continue reading April wrap up…